
North Korea Planning to Launch Spy Satellites This Year

Over the last several years and months, the United States has appeared to be a nation on a serious decline. While the holiday of...

WSJ Poll Reveals Biden Losing Black Men in Swing States

The Wall Street Journal found that President Biden’s support among black voters in swing states is down compared to the 2020 election cycle, The...

20-Year-Old Vermont Man Charged With Murder For Killing Cop in Head-On Crash

The Vermont man accused of killing a police officer during a pursuit last July pleaded not guilty on April 9 to the additional charge...

Biden Releases Tax Records, Paid $150,000 in Taxes in 2023

On Monday, the United States tax filing deadline, the White House made public the joint tax return of President Joe Biden and First Lady...

500 Dead Horses Discovered in a Dry Creek Bed in Australia, Probe Launched

Authorities in rural Australia have opened an investigation into horse slaughter after 500 dead animals were found on private property. New South Wales (NSW) police and...

New Poll Reveals Democrats Acknowledge Border Crisis an Invasion

There is no state in the union like New Jersey. The Garden State possesses a storied history of diversity, innovation, and eccentricity. There is...

Hero Cop Shoots Dead Man Who Stabbed Six at Shopping Center

A police officer shot and killed a man at a mall in Sydney, Australia, after he fatally stabbed six people. Inspector Amy Scott confronted Joel Cauchi...

New Study Links Ozempic to Low MS Risk Even As Death Count Rises

Approximately eighty percent of the research on the weight loss drug Ozempic has focused on its possible use as a therapy for multiple sclerosis...

MP William Wragg Resigns Conservative Whip Over Honeytrap Allegations

After serving as vice-chair of the Conservative backbench 1922 Committee and chairman of the Commons Public Administration Committee, William Wragg, a former MP, has...

Colombian President Petro’s Healthcare Reform Bill Shelved By Congress

The left-wing president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, has had difficulty getting new legislation passed by Congress in the Andean nation. A Senate committee rejected...

Clarence Henry, New Orleans’ R&B Legend, Dies at 87

The late Clarence "Frogman" Henry was a legendary New Orleans R&B singer who became famous when he released the single "Ain't Got No Home"...

US Conducts Joint Naval Exercise in South China Sea, China Responds

According to reports, US, Philippine, Japanese, and Australian naval forces participated in the South China Sea's first-ever joint naval drills on April 7th. According to...

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Trump May Get $3.5B Payout From Truth Social

The Truth Social network, which former president Trump established in 2021, has the potential to yield a windfall of $3.5 billion for him. The...

First Lady of Oregon Admits To Addiction & Mental Issues

Former Oregon first lady Aimee Kotek Wilson has spoken up about her struggles with addiction and mental illness, which has sparked concern about her...

Intoxicated Driver Kills Mother And Daughter

Tragically, a young mother and her five-year-old daughter were killed in a terrible accident caused by a suspected drunk driver. On Sunday morning, while strolling...

Trump Comes Out On Top Over Bond Deadline

Democrat New York State Attorney General Letitia James had set a deadline for former President Donald Trump's $454 million bond, but an appeals court...

Russia Scrambles Fighter Jet Against U.S. Bombers

Two American B-1B bombers were seen approaching the Russian border above the Barents Sea, prompting the Russian military ministry to announce on Sunday, March...

Top Celeb CONFESSES: Marriage OFF The Table!

Two-time Academy Award winning actress Sally Field, now 77 years old, has confessed that she will probably never get married again. According to a...

They FOUND The Mule – Rapper’s Croney CORNERED!

A man named Brenden Paul was arrested on Monday the 25th of March at Miami’s Opa-Locka Airport. The 25-year-old is accused of smuggling drugs...

Cameron Diaz Announces Birth Of Child At 51

Hollywood star Cameron Diaz has announced the birth of a new son, saying she is “blessed and grateful.” The 51-year-old and her husband, Benji Madden,...

Another GOP Leader Defects Over Trump

Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska has hinted she may step down from the GOP and become independent due to her opposition to Donald Trump. The lawmaker...

Trump-Endorsed Candidate Soars To New Highs

To determine who would fill the term that remains of former U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, which ends in January, Republican state lawmaker Vince...

Trump Wins Key Endorsement From Billionaire

The very 'scary mental condition' of Joe Biden has prompted billionaire Nelson Peltz to declare his intention to support former president Donald Trump's reelection...

Former Trump Aide Rejects Idea That Lawsuits Improve His Popularity

It’s “complete lunacy” that all the trials that former President Donald Trump is facing are increasing his popularity among voters, one of his former...


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